The Biggest Update (SmileyDustyV0.5)

It's here! V0.5 is the biggest update yet. However, it doesn't drastically change the game. Here's what you can expect:

  • Simple graphical enhancements
  • More bug fixes
  • Quality of life improvements
  • Hidden secrets to discover
  • The highlight: new, exciting events happening during gameplay!
  • A sweet new game poster to boot!
  • This version of Dusty runs perfectly on both 64-bit and 32-bit systems! I streamlined development by creating a single version that works seamlessly on both architectures. You won't need to download separate versions anymore.

This update marks the official completion of the game. While I'll continue fixing bugs if any arise, there aren't any major content updates planned for now. like new endings and stuff

Thank you for your incredible support for Dusty! As a new game developer, I'm excited to work on more titles in the future. There's even a chance for a sequel, Smiley Dusty 2... but that's down the road. While I wouldn't say I shy away from sequels entirely, I also enjoy creating new experiences ideas and titles . For now, Smiley Dusty 2 remains a "maybe" on my to-do list.


Smiley Dusty 163 MB
55 days ago

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